Monday, June 29, 2009

Crime/Lost and Found

Under a post, there is mention of a break-in on St. Mary's Lane where a wallet and laptop were taken. Please report an suspicious behavior. We have a friend on the Sheriff's Department and he said that their hasn't been a lot of criminal activity in our neighborhood this year, so lets work together to keep it down.

So after reading a lot of the comments it looks like Saint Mary's is where most of the crime is happening. I hope everyone has reported this to the police. Maybe under this comment section people could leave more information regarding the crimes that have taken place -- when, where, how did they get in, what did they take?

Also, my family was taking a walk and found a Verizon Wireless LG phone in the wet grass. The phone was locked so we couldn't get the contact info, the phone is not functional as it was left in the grass -- however you will probably need the phone if you are filing an insurance claim. Let us know.


  1. This interesting. We live on Max Drive and about a week ago during the night someone broke the window in my husbands car and stole his laptop out of the backseat. It's a strange feeling knowing someone was right on our driveway doing that. Jennifer

  2. Hi. We are the Dance family & we live on Derby Court. Last Friday my husband, Jim, noticed (early in the am) that one of our landscaping lights was kicked over. I was a little freaked out thinking that someone could have been lurking around. Fortunately, we didn't have anything in our vehicle. It appears that we could have had a bigger problem than a broken light! Stephanie

  3. This is very cool! Thanks for doing this! We are the Gibbs' family on St. Mary's Lane. We are really looking forward to the 4th of July party this weekend and hope to meet a lot of our neighbors. We have two boys Zack 8 and Brad 6. I am a teacher and my husband pours concrete. We are usually in the yard playing with our boys or taking them to a sporting event!

  4. Thanks! I have set up a website for the homeowner association in geocities....but they are shutting down. I just created a new one here at blogger...

    We are still in need of a treasurer. If you are interested, please contact me at

  5. I don't understand why you would create a blog when this one is already up and running? She took the time and put in the effort to start bringing this neighborhood together. Which is more than I can say for the people who are supposedly our president and vice-president.

    I am all about giving people a fair chance, but nothing has happened with the association. Everyone I have spoken with is clueless. Maybe the wrong people are in charge?

    Please correct me if I am wrong. If you want to step up and help run the neighborhood, that's fantastic! But please start doing it soon. The neighborhood needs to be hearing more from the President and VP.

  6. I understand your frustration. I am frustrated myself. I have been trying for months to work with the developer to have the necessary paperwork filed with the county so we can legally run the homeowners association. Without that paperwork, our hands are tied. We are still in need of a treasurer for the association. We are all in this together. We want a safe neighborhood to raise our families in. I am trying to do the best I can. I set up a blog and email because I said I would do that. As I stated, I had previously set a blog up in geocities but they are shutting down. Please feel free to email any suggestions to me at the address.

  7. I am speaking as the temporary VP of our HOA. Back in August of '08, Barb and I and Jen (we all live on Dundee) went to the developer of our sub. (Marv Schmucker) and discussed the possibility of having the association turned over to the residents. We were asking to have this done early as the developer has until 2012 to turn it over. We were dissatisfied with how things were not being enforced and felt that, as a neighborhood, we would have more motivation to do it ourselves. We have been through numerous meetings, phone calls and emails and spent our Labor Day weekend passing out packets with by-laws, covenants and a letter requesting volunteers to serve as officers to the almost 150 homes in our subdivision. As of November of last year, NO ONE----out of 150 homes---has offered to serve as officers to help get this turned over to us as residents. This left Barb, Jen, and me with a problem. Either leave the sub. with the developer or step up and serve ourselves which we did. We were put into place as temporary officers which had to be in place for a turnover to happen and when the association is turned over officially, we can have an election to choose officers. The original blog that Barb--Little Ole Me--is referring to at Geocities has been in place since Feb. of '09. It was created after our first meeting at the firestation to keep residents informed about meeting times, committees, and minutes from meetings. Geocites is shutting down which is why Barb informed you of the switch to Verizon. She did not create a new blog--just switched out the original. Since Feb. Barb has had at least a dozen communications with the developer and their lawyers and would be willing to share these with you if you wish. Our hands are tied as an association until it is turned over to us so if you are dissatisfied, please contact the developer over and over and over again as our puny voices over here on Dundee are obviously not being heard. Secondly, please step up and offer to serve. Barb and I and Jen did not want these positions but volunteered to do them so we could get this thing off the ground. At the meeting in Feb. we made a second request for officer nominations----we still don't have a treasurer----and again no one. We all want a safe, pleasant neighborhood for our families but this can only happen if we all step up to serve whether as officers, committee memebers or by coming to meetings.

  8. I think we can all agree that we all want to see improvements in the neighborhood in which we live and raise our children.

    To reiterate what Shirley said, I am posting something I wrote earlier today but was unable to post due to commitments at work. It is rather redundant now, but I still feel the need to post it.

    My belief is that the wrong people are in charge. You see, the builder is still in charge of the association. That’s the crux of the issue. Until the builder chooses to hand over control to the homeowners, we have no control and we have no power to accomplish anything we desire.

    (Notice the use of the word “choose”. More on that later.)

    I'm fairly certain that the people who initiated discussions with the builder for the homeowners to assume control of the association did so because they felt they had to. Not because they wanted to.

    In February, when the call came for other people to assume the offices, no one else volunteered. As time has passed and little progress has been made with the builder, everyone’s frustrations have grown. Mine included.

    Now the frustrations are becoming even more evident as people question the effectiveness of the future board. Being highly frustrated myself, I can understand that.

    Anyway, back to the real root cause of our concerns.

    I don't have the covenants in front of me right now, but I seem to recall that the builder is contractually obligated to hand over control of the association in 2012 or after 90% of the lots are sold. Since neither of those events has occurred, I don’t think the builder is legally required to hand over control of the association to the homeowners. As a result, he's taking his sweet time.

    It seems to me that as homeowners, we have two options. Option one is to patiently keep trying to get the builder to process the paperwork as he promised to do in the February meeting. Pester him incessantly until he gets tired of us. The other option is legal. Some sort of "breech of good faith" lawsuit.

    I, for one, do not want to sue.

    Have a nice day!

  9. We are new to the neighborhood but would be more than willing to help out any way possible. We are the Gordons, Kelly, Nathan, Tyler (5) & Blake (6 mos), 58524 St Marys Ln. We have been wondering who to talk to about the lawncare of our entrance. I am not sure if anyone else has noticed or if maybe we are just being picking because all the grass gets blown in our yard but we feel the lawncare is well beyond unacceptable! It seems they do not mow enough and the grass gets so long that when they do come it gets butchered! For a long period of time they weren't even weed eating and it looked hideous! When we first moved in the gentleman that mows told us that the previous owner used to mow it and asked if we would. With having a new baby and my hubby's work schedule it isn't feasable right now. Also we were unsure if they'd still get paid for us doing their work. At this point with their quality of work we are thinking we should mow it. Is there someone who can help us resolve this issue??? Thanks in advance!!

  10. nktgordon---as MCS said, we have no control whatsoever until the association is handed over and he is correct--2012 or 90% of lots developed--neither is in place yet. The turn over started because of those of us disgruntled over on Dundee. As I understand it, the developer---Marv Schmucker---Square One Builders--is doing the mowing. As no community dues have been collected to this date---except for those when you purchased your home----there is no money for us to pay for mowing, etc. at this point and we aren't allowed to collect $ as the association isn't turned over to us yet, so you see our dilemma. I guess what I am saying is for you to pester the daylights out of Schmucker/Square One and hopefully that will get it turned over to us soon so we can collect dues and get this place into shape. For any of you who have more ?s, refer to the packet you got last labor day weekend. My address and # are on there as are Barb's, Jen's and someone from the developer. Some are saying they have questions and everyone is 'clueless' but only a couple of Dundee residents have talked to me and Barb has gotten a couple of calls and I can't speak for Jen. It is very encouraging that people are interested in knowing more about taking over OUR neighborhood from the developers.

  11. I don't understand why the builders wouldn't want us to take over the association.

    Since everyone received a package stating all the by-laws, and the builders are in charge of the association, why are they not required to enforce the by-laws of the neighborhood? I don't understand that at all.

  12. I agree with Casey, why wouldn't they want to hand it over? If they aren't collecting annual dues and enforcing by-laws what do they have to gain from keeping ownership at this point?

  13. Casey and nktgordon----

    The question of why the developer does not have to enforce bylaws was how this whole turnover thing started. Three years ago when we built our home and moved in we wanted to put in a fence for our dog and kids. We went to Square One to get the bylaws and to find out what we could/couldn't do. We submitted our plans, started to build our fence and then started seeing people not following the fence rules. That is when I went to the builder last summer and asked that they enforce the bylaws as written. I was told that they (the developer) "changed the rules". This mostly ticked us off because of the expense we incurred by following the rules only to have them changed on us before our fence was even finished. Luckily I have the attorney husband who went through all of the bylaws/covenants and found that as they are written they protect the DEVELOPER not the homeowner. What I mean is, the developer can enforce them or not or change them or whatever but they are the rules WE have to follow until the association is turned over to the homeowners. We have absolutely no say in how they are enforced or changed. We can call and complain which Barb and I did repeatedly which is how this whole turnover got started. Now, the really interesting part of all of this is that the developer changed one other rule from the original bylaws which is the no rental properties rule. First they changed it to 6% of properties could be rentals then to 10% (15 houses) in our subdivision and now it could be more. None of us were ever told until Barb and I started questioning last summer. The sneaky part of all of this is....guess who owns all of the rental properties.....the developer and his buddies---there are about 20 investors I think although there could be more/less at this point. They basically built homes in here on speculation and then couldn't sell them so they "conveniently" changed the no rental rule which they couldn't have done without following the whole voting/quorum thing (which is a long story spelled out in your bylaws/covenants if you are interested in checking it out) if the association had been turned over. Every time Barb calls Schmucker or the lawyer or whatever, she gets some story on how the papers are being reviewed, etc. I personally think the developer is a tad freaked out by how all of us reacted at the Feb. meeting when the whole rental thing came up. We all pretty much talked about changing the rule back to no rentals and I think we could get the votes to do it. Problem is, the developer gets one vote for every home they OWN too---that is 15 votes maybe more since Feb. Imagine if we get this thing turned over and change the rental rule back to no rentals in this economy. Our lovely developer who could give a rat's patootie about all of us would be stuck with 15 homes to sell in this economy. Right now they are earning an income off these rentals and I can't see why they would WANT to turn over the association and risk losing that. All they have to do right now is send over a mowing crew every now and then----it is the developers crew. They are enforcing nothing and leaving us all in a really BAD situation. We are going to take this thing over, try to enforce rules and be met by people rebelling because they have not had to follow rules up until now.

  14. Okay this is starting to make sense now. I guess being new here we just had to get all the facts. We moved from a neighborhood with these same "rule changes" and we too were very upset b/c we were forced to follow the rules but as new homes were built and the community grew it seems the rules went out the window! Very upsetting I agree! Part of the reason we moved away from there is that with no one enforcing rules the homes quickly went downhill. Since we moved in here in the winter we didn't realize that come Spring/Summer some of the homes in here don't differ from the ones in our previous neighborhood. It's very discouraging b/c my husband said to me the other day he thinks this neighborhood will look like our old one in a few years! :( I whole heartedly hope he isn't right!!! I am more than willing to help do whatever we need to so please let me know when/if I can be of help. Thanks again for bringing us up to speed.

  15. Thanks nktgordon! I am also very worried about what is happening in our neighborhood and am thankful for your support. I hope we have the support of many our here because we have our work cut out for us. We were told by a rep for the developer that he "doesn't like confrontation" so he avoids taking on these problem homes. It is only making it harder for all of us. When the association finally gets turned over---my husband is thinking of making a call himself to Schmucker's attorney----we will have to really work together. There are SO many violations and then what do we do about the things they "changed". Do we make people take down fences? Sheds that don't meet bylaws? How do we decide what we enforce and don't since nothing has been done? I'm not sure how it is going to go and am really nervous about it. I am really thankful for this blog, the 4th of July thing, the garage sale, etc. It is a glimmer of hope that this will work out and our neighborhood won't turn into your old one.

  16. I agree, my husband and I have even talked about moving and taking a huge loss just so we aren't in a neighborhood that looks and feels unsafe. I think once more people know whats going on with the builders the more people that can help out with the getting this turned over to us.

  17. I guess I'm a little concerned about everyone's aversion to renters. My family and I are living in one of the "rental" homes, and we treat this as if it is our own. We've signed an agreement to purchase this home as soon as we can. We take care of our yard, and aren't rule breakers. I don't understand what looks and feels unsafe about this neighborhood. If the implication is that renters are "bad people" I have to say I'm terribly offended.

  18. Christine, I don't believe that people are implying that renters are "bad people" (at least I hope not!). Although a great deal of people that rent will treat the property as if it were their own, there are many that don't. I have heard from many people that rentals bring down the property value of the other homes. We have a rental across the street from us & the people that live there are terrific! I would hate to see them leave because they may not be in a position to buy due to a job situation or can't commit to buying in this economy. I agree that the builder probably won't be turning things over to us anytime soon. He (they) would be losing too much if they did. I hope things work out for you to buy your home soon. We have only been here a year & we look forward to meeting the rest of the neighborhood tomorrow!

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  20. Does anyone have a traveling tractor sprinkler that they are wanting to sell at a reasonable price? Or know of anyone who is wanting to get rid of one?

    I am looking for a metal one, not really concerned with the brand or color. Please let me know! Thanks everyone! Hope to see you tonight
