Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Let's talk here about Association/Builders

Can someone post the names and numbers of the builders in charge of the association? I for one plan on calling every day until they can't take it anymore. And I encourage everyone else in the neighborhood to do the same.

At the meeting he said the builders would turn it over to us, and now it seems as if he has lied. I do not care to be lied to and I feel it is time we come together as a neighborhood and start making his daily life a living hell.

So, again, if someone could post some names and numbers that would be great. I'd like to get started on my harassing A.S.A.P.

On another note, Lisa and I are very pleased with the turn out of comments on here. I really hope to see more home owners sign up. And remember, if you want to be able to start your own thread, please send Lisa your email address so she can invite you!

Thanks everyone! We'll be seeing you on Saturday!


  1. Here is the number to Square One-Marv Schmucker 533-2797

  2. Thanks Barb. I was just going to shoot you an email on this! You are one awesome on top of it prez!

  3. So, with the comment "hope to see more home owners sign up," does that mean you all prefer renters not be involved in the blog?

  4. Not at all, if you are living in the neighborhood and would like to take part, then we would love to have you as part of the blog.

    I'm not sure if renters will have a vote when we start voting on issues. But as far as im concerned, if you are living in this neighborhood then you should still have a voice. And right now this blog is helping more people in our area find a voice.

    Thanks for posting, im glad I could clear that up. Renters are welcome in out neighborhood!

  5. I am our last meeting, it was said that the builder would have one vote for each of the properties he still owns. Does that mean he will be paying dues for each property also? I think the two should go hand in hand, don't you?

  6. Once the neighborhood is handed over to us, and we start collecting dues, then yes he will need to pay for each property if he plans on having a vote. If he chooses to only pay for 2 of them, then he will only get two votes. Same goes for the other renters. Those owners will not have a vote unless they pay the dues and show up to vote. I'm sure something can be worked out between the owners and the renters to allow the renter to vote. I would prefer that the people living in the neighborhood are the people voting on changes to the neighborhood.

  7. If dues are not paid, a lein is placed against the property title which will keep the home from being sold until the dues w/interest are paid in full. I suppose letting the renters vote is up to the home owner but the vote has to come through the owner, not the renter. What I mean is, the owner can ask what the renter prefers and then vote that way but the renter won't be able to actually file the vote.

  8. just an idea, how about posting WHERE & WHEN these meetings are taking place so home owners can come and have some idea whats going on. Posting meeting mintues would also help.
