Monday, July 6, 2009

Walking Group

Well since the 55 lbs I gained while pregnant with my second, I have lost about 30 :( Still have 20 to go -- Cari from Huntly Court is looking for a running buddy, sorry Cari but I'm not there yet! So I was wondering if any moms would like to have a walking group. Let me know your preference morning, midday, or evening. And if you can run a 8:30 - 10 minute mile let Cari know!


  1. running only if I am being chased, but walking would be great or even biking.
    Dawn Rowland

  2. Count me in for walking. I usually walk with my boys atleast twice a day anyways. Adult company would be GREAT!!! Anytime of day just let me know.

  3. Does anyone know a tennis instructor that would give adult beginner lessions?
