Sunday, July 26, 2009

Safety Reminder

Just a friendly safety reminder: Check your outside post lights -- as we have come home late from the fair their are a lot of people with burned out bulbs. These lights do help contribute to the safety of our neighborhood.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

No Soliciting

Would anyone else be interested in getting NO SOLICITING signs for the front of our neighborhood. Being a teacher and home in the summer, it seems like every week someone is ringing the door trying to sell something. Last year, the Kirby vaccum people pushed there way in and were here at my house for close to three hours! Now, I don't mind the neighbor kids selling fundraisers, that I will support; but its the people who drive a van into the neighborhood and start going door to door.

What does everyone else think?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Address Numbers

Just a random post, but has anyone else noticed how wacko the address numbers are in this neighborhood? We are 58778 and our neighbors start with a 1? Is that not nuts, also evens and odds are on the same side! Craziness, it drives me nuts when people can't find my house because of the messed up numbers!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Okay, so I have spoken with a couple people and it ends up our kids go to the same preschool and I didn't know that! So feel free to list here places you would recommend for preschool or daycare. Or if you are interested in a carpool.

I will start the list:

Brenneman Day Care Ministry

Cost: 61/week for half day
93/week for full day

Monday, July 6, 2009

Walking Group

Well since the 55 lbs I gained while pregnant with my second, I have lost about 30 :( Still have 20 to go -- Cari from Huntly Court is looking for a running buddy, sorry Cari but I'm not there yet! So I was wondering if any moms would like to have a walking group. Let me know your preference morning, midday, or evening. And if you can run a 8:30 - 10 minute mile let Cari know!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Thank you so much to the Rumschlags, Griffiths, Rowlands, and Pfeils for the amazing party. Hopefully enough donations were collected that we can do this again. It makes me very happy knowing we live in a neighborhood where such great times and memories can be created! Thanks again for organizing this.

Bridlewood Craigslist

Okay, so ebay and craigslist are getting a lot of traffic when you have items that need to be sold. So why not start the bridlewood if you have something you would like to sell of give away please list it here under comments section. You can also list if there is something you want to buy....maybe one of your neighbors has it but doesn't use it! You maybe able to post pictures with your items, but I'm not 100% sure.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Family Outing

My family was going to go to the South Bend Silverhawks game on Monday, July 20. It is dollar night. If anyone is interested in going in a caravan we would love to have meet more people from the neighborhood. I am going to buy the tickets by July 13. They cost 2.50 for the convienance of doing it online. So if you would like to join us, put the money in an envelope with your name and address and how many are going and I will let you know more details when I see how many folks are interested!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Let's talk here about Association/Builders

Can someone post the names and numbers of the builders in charge of the association? I for one plan on calling every day until they can't take it anymore. And I encourage everyone else in the neighborhood to do the same.

At the meeting he said the builders would turn it over to us, and now it seems as if he has lied. I do not care to be lied to and I feel it is time we come together as a neighborhood and start making his daily life a living hell.

So, again, if someone could post some names and numbers that would be great. I'd like to get started on my harassing A.S.A.P.

On another note, Lisa and I are very pleased with the turn out of comments on here. I really hope to see more home owners sign up. And remember, if you want to be able to start your own thread, please send Lisa your email address so she can invite you!

Thanks everyone! We'll be seeing you on Saturday!

New Threads

Some of you have asked about how you can start a new thread. I need to add you as an author since I am the original creator. If you would like to be able to start a new thread, send me an email to from the email address you want me to use! Hopefully this will get more people involved.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Crime/Lost and Found

Under a post, there is mention of a break-in on St. Mary's Lane where a wallet and laptop were taken. Please report an suspicious behavior. We have a friend on the Sheriff's Department and he said that their hasn't been a lot of criminal activity in our neighborhood this year, so lets work together to keep it down.

So after reading a lot of the comments it looks like Saint Mary's is where most of the crime is happening. I hope everyone has reported this to the police. Maybe under this comment section people could leave more information regarding the crimes that have taken place -- when, where, how did they get in, what did they take?

Also, my family was taking a walk and found a Verizon Wireless LG phone in the wet grass. The phone was locked so we couldn't get the contact info, the phone is not functional as it was left in the grass -- however you will probably need the phone if you are filing an insurance claim. Let us know.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Fourth of July Blowout

There is a comment under the welcome about the Fourth of July Party. They want to make sure that if you are planning on attending you have RSVPed. They need to know how much food. I am sure they would appreciate donations and food as well! Thanks to the families who organize this, it truly is a great way to get the neighbors together.


Welcome to Bridlewood Estates! I wanted to create a blog where we, as neighbors can communicate. First, let me introduce ourselves. We are the Ernsbergers (Casey, Lisa, Gavin, and Mya). We live on Scarborough Lane and I have organized the garage sale the last few years. I have taught for Wawasee Schools for seven years and my husband is one of the many RV workers that is laid off. Our children are Gavin and Mya. Gavin will be four in September and Mya will be one in September.
I wanted to create a blog for a couple of reasons. The first being to communicate events happening in the neighborhood. Also, with the real estate market as it is, to remind neighbors of the by-laws so that we can keep our resale value of our homes up, and third to generate some play groups for our kids! So feel free to post something, if you do, please try to post a picture and a street so we can get to know each other better. Remember, the nature of this is to be respectful of our neighbors and our neighborhood.